Frequently Asked Questions
Below are our most frequently asked questions from customers or integrators installing the TX2 Table hub & DX2 Room Hub for the first time.
I can’t get into the room hub I thinks it’s not working
This is the number one support question from new users, it is extremely rare that a unit will not communicate, the most likely cause of this problem is the firewall on the machine being used to connect to the DX2 over the network connection. Another useful tip if having problems connecting is to add HTTPS:// if front of the Ip address.
Other useful things to consider
The default IP Address of the DX2 lives within the default IP range of both Windows and Mac computers so there shouldn’t be a need to change the IP address of the laptop. If the Laptop has been set up with a static IP address on the port that connects to the DX2, then set this to “Obtain IP Address Automatically” within the Windows network set up.
f the laptop is connected to a wireless network as the same time as the DX2 this can also cause it to fail so wireless should be turned off.
A direct standard cable between the laptop and DX2 should work, there’s no need for a switch.
If you can make changes to your machine then go into the firewall settings and allow connection to DX2, the follow up to this question is normally what’s the password, The default password for administration level access is USER admin PASSWORD admin.
Before connecting to configure the unit (if required) always check the status lights on both units You should see
Green power led on both units
The Firmware ‘heartbeat’ should pulse blue at a rate of approximately one pulse a second
Input indicators (adjacent to inputs) should be red if not in use (no connection) or green if a signal is present.
A blue led on each unit indicating its linked to the other.
The DX 2’s led display should be displaying in a rolling sequence
The firmware version installed on the DX2 and the TX2
The IP address of the DX2
The subnet mask set on the DX2
The Gateway server address
The third Question in this sequence would b.
I could connect to it in the workshop but can’t connect now I’m on site.
Again, this could be caused by the IP address having been changed by the local DHCP server, you can see what the address is by looking at the LED display top right of the DX2 box labelled ‘My IP Address’
If the above does not sort out the problem consider connecting using a ‘standard machine’ via a small switch independent from any local IT infrastructure, only connected to the computer being used to commission the DX2 and the DX2 itself.
I don’t think my device is connecting to the DX2, I can’t see anything on the screen
When you plug a device into the TX2 or DX2 the red led adjacent to the port should change to green to show the device has been detected and a connection has been made. If this is happening, then the next step is to log on to the DX2 via the network (or direct connection) and configure the unit to work correctly with the monitor or monitors.
You would do this by
checking the routing and the EDID settings.
Tip, with diagnosing EDID settings, it’s best to start with 1080P and work up from there.
If all else fails, we suggest factory resetting the unit so it’s in a known state.
I can see my computer is connecting to the TX2 but I’m not seeing anything on the screen
This question comes up quite often when systems are first being commissioned, most frequently this comes down to the way that the EDID information is being passed through the system, the web page gives you ways to change how this happens to produce a stable result. It is difficult to give a definitive answer here as it depends on the displays being used but match the EDID setup to what you believe is correct for the monitor in use and if this does not fix the problem use the ‘copy from’ setups as often pulling the EDID handling back into the TX2 or DX2 will provide the stable switching required. These options are found in the web page served from the DX2 in the drop-down menus in the TX2 Input ‘box’ and or the DX2 input ‘box’. When referring to ‘box’ in this case I am talking about the graphics boxes in the middle of the Settings page.
I have a laptop plugged into the USB-C input of the TX 2 (or table box) but it doesn’t appear to be charging my device.
The TX2 Table box has an input located at the frond right of the unit marked USB-C PWR, this requires a 24v Power supply to be plugged in and powered from a mains outlet locally. Poer will then be supplied to the USB and network ports on the TX 2 as indicated by the black line on the front panel.
Can I use third party equipment to control the DX, TX and connected monitors.
The system has been designed to cater for most requirements without third party control but in the limited cases where this could be of advantage there is a document of the available commands that can be requested from Ashton Bentley Support.
I can’t get my system to do what I expect it to!
We would expect the system once configured to carry out most thinks that could be expected of it so if you have a question please contact us at Support@ashtonbentley.com, if you have connected to the unit and started configuration please retrieve a copy of the current config file from the unit and attach it to your support request as this helps us see how your system is currently configured.
My TX2 isn’t powering up, can you send me a new one?
If you have a problem with a TX2 Table hub the first thing to check is that it is connected to the DX2 Room hub and that the DX2 is powered up. The reason for this is that the TX2 is powered from the DX2 when the Cat 7 cable is plugged into both units connecting them together. The power supply that plugs into the TX2 is marked USB-C PWR and it only supplies charging power to the USB-C and network ports on the TX2, it does not power the TX2’s operation. If the units are connected together and the TX2 shows no signs of life, i.e. power lights and firmware heartbeat, then check the connecting cable is properly connected or temporarily use a different and preferably premade cable such as the one supplied (10m).
I’m still having problems connecting to my unit and I’ve tried all your suggestions can I talk to the DX2 without using the Ip address?
Contact us on Support@ashtonbentley.com , we can talk to you about connection via the USB port using a terminal program and the API commands, as an example this could allow you to put the unit into DHCP operation if you have changed locations and are having trouble with a unit that has been set on a fixed IP address.
I’m trying to connect via the RS232 port it works from my laptops but when I connect to the control system, I’m getting nothing
(9pin D on RX2 Room hub) only has pins 2, 3, 5 wired internally it doesn’t support hardware hand shaking.
If you have it working between your laptop and the DX2 RS232 port, the DX2 is configured correctly.
Have you tried swapping the TX and RX of the Crestron port.
Also ensure the Crestron code add a carriage return to the end of the command.
I’m working on a project and was wondering where I might find more information?
We have documentation and updates available in a couple of locations.
For a general overview of our products and services have a look at www.ashtonbentley.com
If you’re looking for Product information, manuals drawings and assembly guides have a look on https://ashtonbentleyresources.com
If you’re after commercial information and pricing contact us on spaces@ashtonbentley.com
If you have a technical question or require technical support, please email us on Support@ashtonbentley.com
If you have a new unit and would like the latest firmware, please email us on Support@ashtonbentley.com
If you are designing a more complex integration using codec control or third party control system then email Support@ashtonbentley.com and we can supply you with the units API command documentation.